Scenes of Buzzards Bay
/Pinwheel Gulls FROM A BYGONE ERA
Cape Cod CANAL
Pinwheel Gulls FROM A BYGONE ERA
Cape Cod CANAL
Folded gneiss (intruded by granite and pegmatite) and coastal spruces
From the dock on Hog Island
A fog-filled session of retrieving tags from Leach’s Storm-Petrels (and eating wild strawberries) on Little Duck Island, which is uninhabited by humans. Except two of us, for a few days.
Sketching in the coastal forest with students of the Maine Archaeology Field School, taught by Dr. Bonnie Newsom. The site: a colonial homestead adjoining a Passamaquoddy shell heap. Is that a horse jaw in the pit?
Abby McBride
© Abby McBride 2014-2024